About the Tutorial
The EU H2020 RobMoSys Project (http://robmosys.eu) aims to coordinate the whole robotics community’s best and consorted effort to realize a step change towards a European ecosystem for open and industry-grade model-driven software development for robotics. RobMoSys already established a first round of modeling structures and according open source Eclipse-based model-driven tooling for robotics. These form the baseline for the RobMoSys real world application pilots. Both, the modeling foundations as well as the tooling baselines, are extended in a community effort supported by cascade funding.
A major goal of this tutorial is to give the model-driven approaches of RobMoSys exposition in the “generic” MDE community. The aim is to foster a closer interaction between the MODELS community and the robotics model-driven software engineering community.
For this, the tutorial provides insights into the current state-of-the-art of model-driven software engineering for robotics and according tools as driven by the robotics domain and consolidated via RobMoSys. It is also about explicating the special needs of robotics and discussing these with the MDE community.
Basically, this should attract more researchers towards challenging robotics problems. It should also allow practitioners to better understand what kind of model-driven tools are already now mature enough to be used for software engineering in robotics.
Relevant links to give you an impression on the background on which this tutorial is based:
Topics of interest:
- Robotics Systems Engineering
- Robotics System Composition
- Eclipse-based Tooling
- Model-Driven Software Development
- ROS agnostic
- Framework agnostic
Intended audience
- Researchers from academia and industry with a strong background in e.g. modeling methodologies, composition of models.
- Developers from academia and industry with a strong background in tool development, like e.g. the Eclipse-world.
- Experienced domain experts knowing about what is key for domain-specific and role-specific presentations.
September 18th 2019
Slides online
August 26th 2019
Timing adjustment to schedule/program.
July 31st 2019
Website available.
Get in Touch! - Discourse Forum
Share your feedback and continue discussing in the RobMoSys Discourse Forum. Let us know about your feedback in the Tutorial Topic or start a new one to discuss a particular topic.
Description of the Tutorial
The H2020 project “RobMoSys - Better Models, Better Tools, Better Systems” (www.robmosys.eu) is part of the effort towards a European Digital Industrial Platform for Robotics. RobMoSys will enable the composition of robotics applications with managed, assured, and maintained system-level properties via model-driven techniques. It will establish structures that enable the management of the interfaces between different robotics-related domains, different roles in the ecosystem and different levels of abstractions. Thereto, “composability”, “separation of roles” and “model – tool – code” are first class principles of RobMoSys. RobMoSys envisions an integrated approach built on top of the current code-centric robotic platforms, by applying model-driven methods and tools. RobMoSys aims to establish Quality-of-Service properties, enabling a composition-oriented approach while preserving modularity. RobMoSys will drive the non-competitive part of building a professional quality ecosystem by encouraging the community involvement. RobMoSys will elaborate many of the common robot functionalities based on broad involvement of the community via two Open Calls.
9.00-9.30 / 25 min + 5 min / Christian Schlegel (Slides)
- Introduction to RobMoSys and how to get access into RobMoSys
- Benefit for participants: understand how models / MDSD / SWE and Pilot Applications converge as moderated by RobMoSys, understand how we organize models, tools, systems in RobMoSys, what technical material is available and get aware that RobMoSys would like to see contributions from the MODELS community (see http://robmosys.eu/wiki/)
9.30-10.10 / 40 min / Alex Lotz, Dennis Stampfer (senior researchers of the Ulm service robotics research group) (Slides)
- Interactive Tool Demo: Piecing together software components to robotics pilot applications
- hands-on session with the RobMoSys conformant Eclipse-based SmartMDSD toolchain to get a look-and-feel of a concrete robotics example (see https://robmosys.eu/wiki/open-call-2)
- Benefit for participants: understand how we organize models, tools, systems in RobMoSys and get access to a concrete robotics example which you can run in simulation at home even without a robot.
10.10-10.30 / 20 min / Alex Lotz, Dennis Stampfer (senior researchers of the Ulm service robotics research group) (Slides)
- Part I of Interactive Tool Demo: Stepwise Migration to Model-Driven Development
- hands-on session with the RobMoSys conformant Eclipse-based SmartMDSD toolchain focusing on
- middleware-agnostic robotics software components
- the concept of mixed-port components to link robotics frameworks, industry 4.0 frameworks (OPC UA), etc.
- Benefit for the participants: understand how we exploit model-driven approaches to mediate between different frameworks, get concrete entry points into the tooling and its underlying models and concepts to understand what needs we have and what solutions we offer.
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-11.20 / 20 min / Alex Lotz, Dennis Stampfer (senior researchers of the Ulm service robotics research group)
- Part II of Interactive Tool Demo: Stepwise Migration to Model-Driven Development
- see above
11.20-12.00 / 40 min / Ansgar Radermacher (Slides)
- Safety-analysis by model-driven tooling
- hand-on session with the RobMoSys conformant Eclipse-based Papyrus for Robotics tooling
- Benefit for the participants: understand how we achieve tooling interoperability and how we link to external toolings via model-driven approaches
12.00-12.30 / 25 min + 5 min / Herman Bruyninckx (Slides)
- The Role of Higher-order Models in Robotics and its Reasoning Challenges
- Introduction into robotics specific challenges of model-driven engineering and what we consider as open challenges
- Benefit for participants: get insights into robotic specifics needs and challenges
Novelty of the Tutorial
After a successful first edition of this tutorial at the MODELS 2018 conference in Copenhagen and based on the many very fruitful discussions during the conference on topics in the intersection of MDE and robotics, this updated second edition of the tutorial shall grow the first valuable cross-fertilization.
The EU H2020 project RobMoSys is the first time that such a focused and coordinated activity towards model-driven software systems engineering is under way in robotics.
The RobMoSys project started 01/2017 and runs for 48 months. After having structured the baseline (meta-models, first tooling, etc.), after having successfully implemented the first Open Call (cascade funding, 6 projects selected, running 03/2018 until 02/2019) and having closed the second Open Call, the MODELS 2019 conference is perfect in time in order to again expose RobMoSys to the “generic” MDE community, to bring together the MODELS community and the robotics community and to attract expertise from the MODELS community to assist in solving robotics MDE challenges.
Given the role of RobMoSys for robotics and given the role of the MODELS conference in the “generic” MDE domain, this tutorial series is a first of its kind to foster a novel level of beneficial links between MDE and the robotics domain.
Christian Schlegel Technical Lead of the H2020 RobMoSys project. Elected coordinator of the euRobotics Topic Group on Software Engineering, System Integration, System Engineering. Co-Founder and Associate Editor of the open access journal JOSER – Journal of Software Engineering for Robotics. Co-Organizer of the series of International Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages and Models for Robotics Systems (DSLRob). Head of the service robotics research group at Hochschule Ulm, Professor for Real Time Systems and Autonomous Systems in the Computer Science Department of Hochschule Ulm since 2004. Co-opted member of the Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science and Psychology of the University of Ulm. http://www.servicerobotik-ulm.de/
Herman Bruyninckx Core Technical Partner of the H2020 RobMoSys project with a focus on modeling of motion, perception and world model stacks for robotics. Associate Editor of the open access journal JOSER – Journal of Software Engineering for Robotics. From 2008 to 2015, he has been leading the robotics community in Europe, first as Coordinator of the seminal network EURON, and in 2013-2015 as Vice-President Research of the euRobotics association. Full professor at KU Leuven and part-time at Eindhoven University of Technology. Further details see: https://people.mech.kuleuven.be/~bruyninc/
Prof. Dr. Christian Schlegel, Hochschule Ulm, Germany
Prof. Dr. Herman Bruyninckx, KU Leuven, Belgium
Ansgar Radermacher, CEA List, France
- Eclipse-based tooling Papyrus for Robotics
Dr. Alex Lotz, Hochschule Ulm, Germany
- senior researcher in RobMoSys
- core maintainer of the SmartMDSD toolchain in the RobMoSys conformant version 3
Dr. Dennis Stampfer, Hochschule Ulm, Germany
- senior researcher in RobMoSys
- core maintainer of the model-driven Eclipse-based SmartMDSD toolchain and of the complex real-world scenarios